The Minnow

By: Diana Sweeney Location: FIC SWE Genre:Youth Fiction- Gothic- Life This is a story that is different, it is set in Australia and the backdrop is against devastating floods that leaves 14 year old Holly without her family, they all drown- and she is left. She goes to live with her fathers friend Bill. Holly- now nick named Tom- becomes pregnant to this predator. Tom is never truly alone as long as she has the ghosts from the past to keep her company and they become very real to her and they transform often into an image from the sea- could the turtle be her sister Sarah that died in the flood? Her Nan survive the floods and is an old folks home- she is Toms anchor in life. In the mix is her mate- Jonah, a really caring guy who helps Tom with her journey. Jonah turns out to be gay and his friendship then it safe for Tom. The Minnow- is her baby, and Tom talks to The Minnow all through her pregnancy. This book is all about diversity- it ticks all the boxes- abuse, LGBTG, grief, ...