
Showing posts from September, 2014


By: John Gwynne Location: FIC GWY Genre: Fantasy Series: The Faithful and the Fallen   At the moment books with the coolest covers are making there way into our library- here is another one! A black sun is rising ā€¦ Young Corban watches enviously as boys become warriors under King Breninā€™s rule, learning the art of war. He yearns to wield his sword and spear to protect his kingā€™s realm. But that day will come all too soon. Only when he loses those he loves will he learn the true price of courage.   What a debut! I loved this book. I was sucked in from the very first page and couldn't stop until I reached the end. The world building was fantastic, and the characters were well written. It reminded me slightly of Game of Thrones, having each chapter focused on a different character, but John Gwynne has a style all his own, and I found myself laughing, crying and raging along with the characters. I love that the characters are realistic. They...

Gates of Thread and Stone

By: Lori M Lee Location: FIC LEE Genre: Time Travel- Fantasy Romanc e The Yr 12s Bus Gang reckon this about time... If I could i would slow time down. I f you could change time you would never be afraid of screwing things up because you would always have time to revisit your mistakes. Someone else would kill Hitler at birth , the NovoPay Specialist would ensure Novopay disappeared off the face of the earth, Gabby and Jaz would just go and live and experience different eras but they would not change anything as it could make the world worse..maybe, the old butterfly effect.   Megan suggested that we go back and time and make Hitlers boyhood awesome so he was not bitter and twisted. J ames and Nick wanted to go back in time to drive the first locomotive. Megan wanted to go back and time and wear the first woman's slacks!!! If only we could twist and manipulate time oh the things we could do! "I imagined my fingers dragging through the fibers, making them catch a...

Hunger Games: Mockingjay

Taster time...       here real soon!!!

Going to Extremes

By: Derek Grkelewski Location: NF 796.0993 Genre: The Great Outdoors of New Zealand What is an adventurer?   Are they the hard core cavers, the ice climbers, the grade 5 kayakers or could adventurers look different.  My husband is an outdoor instructor and he has explored New Zealand underground, on the water, up the mountains and in the hills.Yet perhaps my mate Shannon a fire fighter is also an adventure? A captain of an ocean liner, or a wildlife conservator are also adventurers. The definition of "adventure" is an unusual and exciting or daring experience where the outcome can be uncertain. New Zealanders have no excuse not to be adventurers, we do not need to go to the extremes- but we can go bush, we can bike tracks, we can visit Island Sanctuaries. This book will inspire us to do so!   The stories in this book all explore and reveal some unexpected element of the extreme. They transport you to extraordinary, unknown and inaccessible place...

The Queen of the Tearling

By: Erika Johansen Location: FIC JOH Genre: Scifiparafantasy Series; The Queen of the Tearling #1 A young woman. A Kingdom. An evil enemy. A birthright foretoldā€¦ Kelsea Glynn is the sole heir to the throne of Tearling but has been raised in secret by foster parents after her mother - Queen Elyssa, as vain as she was stupid - was murdered for ruining her kingdom.  On Kelsea's 19th birthday, the tattered remnants of her mother's guard - each pledged to defend the queen to the death - arrive to bring this most un-regal young woman out of hiding... And so begins her journey back to her kingdom's heart, to claim the throne, earn the loyalty of her people, overturn her mother's legacy and redeem the Tearling from the forces of corruption and dark magic that are threatening to destroy it. But Kelsea's story is not just about her learning the true nature of her inheritance - it's about a heroine who must learn to acknowledge and live with the realities...

The Jewel

By: Amy Ewing Genre: Location: FIC EWI Series: The Lone City#1) The Handmaid's Tale meets The Other Boleyn Girl in a world where beauty and brutality collide The cover of this book is stunning, I reckon being a cover designer would be a cool job!- but you would have to get it right!! The Jewel means wealth. The Jewel means beauty. The Jewel means royalty. But for girls like Violet, the Jewel means servitude. Not just any kind of servitude. Violet, born and raised in the Marsh, has been trained as a surrogate for the royaltyā€”because in the Jewel the only thing more important than opulence is offspring. Purchased at the surrogacy auction by the Duchess of the Lake and greeted with a slap to the face, Violet (now known only as #197) quickly learns of the brutal truths that lie beneath the Jewelā€™s glittering facade: the cruelty, backstabbing, and hidden violence that have become the royal way of life. Violet must accept the ugly realities of her existence... and try ...

The truth about Alice

By: Jennifer Mathieu Location: FIC MAT Genre: Teenage Life Girl on Girl Hate... It is vicious. I remember at school being a victim to girls nastiness, happened twice. Once when I was 13 and smarmy fashionable Sharon had a tongue that could slice and kill, she was "popular" and  I was in her firing line. I was the youngest of four, from not so wealthy parents and my clothes were second hand- second hand clothes are a death sentence and in the hands of a cutting mouth upstart- you become the victim. It was no fun - love to met her now and have a wee chat! The other story is worse, my folks shifted- relief from Sharon at last, but in my new school they stuck me in the dumb class- new girl on the block who is smart in a dumb class- I became the focus of a team bully campaign- black eye and all. What was said about me and done to me was cruel- I often wonder how there lives have padded out!! This book There are a lot of rumours about Alice Franklin, and it's stoppe...

BZRK Apoclaypse

By: Michael Grant Location: FIC GRA Genre: Dystopian Series: BRZK #3  THE NEWEST BOOK IN THIS POPULAR SERIES Noah and Sadie have seen death, and it holds no fear for them. Madness does, though. And losing each other. But they will not sit back, helpless witnesses to an invisible apocalypse. The world is being destroyed from the inside out. It's time to take up the fight once more, in the streets and in the nano. And they'll give everything they have to stop the Armstrong Twins. But are the Twins the ultimate enemy? Nobody has ever known the identity of Lear, the shadowy leader of BZRK. Just who have they been fighting for? As madness spreads like a plague, one thing becomes terrifyingly clear: this was Lear's game all along. And Lear hasn't been playing fair...

Moth and Spark

By: Anne Leonard Location: FIC LEO Genre:   A light romantic fantasy with dragons A THRILLING QUEST, FORBIDDEN LOVE AND AN EMPIRE ON THE BRINK. MOTH AND SPARK IS THE PRINCESS BRIDE MEETS GAME OF THRONES ... WITH A DASH OF JANE AUSTEN. A prince with a quest. A commoner with mysterious powers. And dragons that demand to be freedā€”at any cost. Prince Corin has been chosen to free the dragons from their bondage to the Empire, but dragons arenā€™t big on directions. They have given him some of their power, but none of their knowledge. No one, not the dragons nor their riders, is even sure what keeps the dragons in the Empireā€™s control. Tam, sensible daughter of a well-respected doctor, had no idea before she arrived in the capital that she is a Seer, gifted with visions. When the two run into each other (quite literally) in the library, sparks fly and Corin impulsively asks Tam to dinner. But itā€™s not all happily ever after. Never mind that the prince isnā€™t allowed to ma...

I am Rebecca

By: Fleur Beale Location: FIC BEA Genre:  Youth Fiction- Cults Sequel to I am not Esther I grew up with a girl who was in a religious cult. It was a scary thing. Her mind had no freedom, we was not allowed to dream, to plan, to have her own hopes and dreams. She was shadowed, watched, observed. When she was " Excluded" we could hang out, eat together, and be typical teenagers- but when they "went back in"- I could not even give her a call. What is with that? What ticks me off the most is that this girl- Julianna- had so much potential, she was so talented. I know she will never read this blog- she wont be allowed too. She got married young- it was "arranged" and  they 4 boys. I always promised her I would help her escape if she ever asked- the promise still stands - especially since her husband is violent. I get the feeling these two books could be secretly written by Julianna, it is her story- except she is still stuck! So this book- When she tu...

The Child's Elephant

By: Rachel Campbell-Johnston Location: FIC JOH Genre: Africa- Poaching and Child Soldiers Africa- I will be there in three weeks time- again. The dust, the amazing light, the stark villages full of amazing people who add the color the land does not.  The hopes and dreams of the people who live a simple yet rich community life. The old lady who lives to love her grandchildren under the Rift Valley wall- praying for rain so the crops will be good- ah Africa.  I also will be visiting the David Sheldrick Elephant Trust. This place takes in baby elelphants that are orphaned by poachers who go for their mums ivory. It will be my fourth visit and I still will be rushing to see those elephants drinking from their bottles!! 100 Elephants are poached PER day in Africa. Just about nothing is cuter than a baby elephant and in this story a boy called Bat finds an orphaned baby elephant he calls Meya, and he takes her home to raise it in his village on  the savannah. Elephants ...