
Showing posts from February, 2015

What Milo Saw

By: Virginia Macgregor Location: FIC MAC Genre: Real life stuff about families and old age and love and loyalty. Sometimes kids see the world so much better than adults. They see what the real deal is. They call life as it is, they have an innate sense of situation and place. If someone is cruel- they say so, if someone is lonely- they know, if someone is manipulative they figure it out! Us adults we cover our faces, our bases and our hearts. This book is about Milo- a kid who has an eye sight disorder that makes him see the world through a pin hole and he sees it very clearly- it is just no-one believes him- except the Syrian illegal immigrant! It is about Milo's Gran who has dementia and is shuffled off to an old folks home against Milo's deepest wish- he loves his Grandmother- he is her protector, she is his believer- they go together!! Milos starts to see the cracks in the old folks home, the cruelity and the deceit, so he hatches a cunning plan to expose them. Chuck i...

All the Bright Places

By: Jennifer Niven Location: FIC NIV Genre: Youth Fiction- Suicide and Teenage Depression It's my experience that people are a lot more sympathetic if they can see you hurting, and for the millionth time in my life I wish for measles or smallpox or some other easily understood disease just to make it easier on me and also on them.ā€  ā€•  Jennifer Niven ,  All the Bright Places   This book! How do you approach a book review that deals with youth suicide but also makes you somehow feel good. How can you write about a book that sends an empty shiver down your spine while still making you feel whole. How can I recommend a book that gives a kind of permission to end your life? Finch is a guy who just does not fit, he does not fit at school, he does not fit at home. he discovers though that he does fit with Violet- she is cool and popular, he is not, he is a freak- or so he is always told. He and Violet have a knowing- they are both suicidal, in fact they met each ...

And.... we are back for 2015

Location: Library Genre: You name it. Author:- Heaps Hi all- after a long summer break this blog is humming again for the New Zealand School year. I have had a chance to read much over summer, the covers below were my fav's. 2015 promises to be another awesome year, we have a new library system to play with and heaps of great new books already ordered for our indulgence. My first review tomorrow will be Gabi- Girl in Pieces! So here is too 2015, a year where we read much- not to kill time or revert into self, but  we read to challenge our world view, we read to enable to feel with those that love, with those that hurt, with people who suffer injustice and live in worlds of demeaning powerlessness. We read to empathise with others who journey different paths to our own, making us more compassionate, more engaged . more riled! We read to enlarge our thinking, we learn of other worlds, other possibilities, we discover universes that alter our mindset- In all these...