
Showing posts from May, 2017


By: Meagan Spooner Location: FIC SPO Genre: Fantasy  Re-Tell ā€œTo the girl who reads by flashlight who sees dragons in the clouds who feels most alive in worlds that never were who knows magic is real who dreams This is for you ā€ "This is definitely one of the best fairy tale retellings I've found (and I take that category pretty seriously)! It's a brilliant twist on Beauty and the Beast that incorporates the Russian fairy tale of "Tsarevitch Ivan, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf."- Cait Beauty knows the Beast's forest in her bonesā€”and in her blood. After all, her father is the only hunter whoā€™s ever come close to discovering its secrets. So when her father loses his fortune and moves Yeva and her sisters out of their comfortable home among the aristocracy and back to the outskirts of town, Yeva is secretly relieved. Out in the wilderness, thereā€™s no pressure to make idle chatter with vapid baronessasā€¦or to submit to marrying a wealthy gent...


By: Alice Broadway Location: FIC BRO Genre: fantasy- Dystopia Series: Skin Books #1   Loving this quote.. .. ā€œThe past doesn't have to define you Leora. Your mistakes don't have to be for ever. There's redemption. There's always redemption. ā€ I am not a fan of tattoos,  that imprint an eternal message, some messages stay relevant I guess and have deep meaning and I get that, but some tats I wonder become aged and irrelevant. I often ask people the story behind their tats. Some ae deeply meaningful, a reminder of a past family member, a memory of a child or parent to forever remember, never forget- that is a good thing. Others have tats to connect to their culture as a form of identity and honour, that too is a good thing. But tat art- it is just not me... a wolf head coming out of a human body.... ???? As for this story,  Every action, every deed, every significant moment is tattooed on your skin for ever. When Leora's father dies, she is determin...

Leap of Faith

By: Jenny Patrick Location: FIC PAT Genre: New Zealand Historical Fiction A vivid novel about ingenuity and hard slog, crooks and dreamers, bootleggers and lov e. I have read Jenny Patrick I liked Dennistion Rose a lot, and so had to go up the Denniston Plateau to see it. Then I read Landings- within six months I had kayaked the Whanganui River- its story connecting as I paddled the dark moody blue waters of history. But I already have been to the Makatote Viaduct, it is on the road from Rarimu Spiral to National Park. You get a good understanding of what it took for these monsters to be built if you cycle the Old Coach Road from Horopito to Ohakune. It is a great ride and tells the historical journey of the building of that track back in the day. Now Jenny Patrick has given that story heart, people, reality and meaning- as she does all her amazing yarns about the early devolpment of our nation.This book is no different... Billy is a young, impressionable dreamer. In 1907, h...


By: Sebastien De Castell Location: FIC DE Genre:Fantasy- magic Series: Spellslinger # 1 ā€œLifeā€™s a curse, kid. Love is the cure.ā€ ā€œFirst thing you learn wandering the long roads, kid. Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story" ā€œYour ancient enemy is basically just a really, really big squirrelā€ There are three things that earn you a manā€™s name among the Janā€™Tep. The first is to demonstrate the strength to defend your family. The second is to prove you can perform the high magic that defines our people. The third is surviving your fourteenth year. I was a few weeks shy of my birthday when I learned that I wouldnā€™t be doing any of those things." MAGIC IS A CON GAME. Kellen is moments away from facing his first mage's duel and the start of four trials that will make him a spellcaster. There's just one problem: his magic is gone. As his sixteenth birthday approaches, Kellen falls back on his cunning in a bid to avoid total disgrace....

Jake Bailey: What Cancer Taught me

By: Jake Bailey Location: NF 920 BAI Genre: The title says it all ... ā€˜None of us get out of life alive, so be gallant, be great, be gracious, and be grateful for the opportunities you have" I have had this quote up in our library on a large poster for all to see as the meander in. The 4 G's- gallant, great, gracious and grateful.  Who can forget Jakes speech in his wheelchair at his final school assembly, it was deeply moving, it was couragous and I doubt if anyone would ever have know the ripples it has produced. Our students in our school have seen those words now and it is my hope that they deeply resonate. That our students will be gallant, that they will be great, that they will be gracious and they will be grateful. Thankyou Jake for sharing with us your journey, in your words, to your generation, it is gallant, it is a great, you have been gracious and we are grateful. Jake Baileyā€™s inspirational end-of-year speech as head boy at Christchurch Boysā€™ High S...

The North Water

By: Ian McGuire Location: FIC McG Genre: Historical Fiction Prizes: Long listed Booker Prize 2016 Whaling, it is something that has made me curiuos from  a kid as I holidayed in Kaikoura amongst the harpoons and big bellied pots. A whalers life was hard, yet full of adrenaline and adventure, but is that romantic and a kids eye view...   ā€œCleverness, he thinks, will get you nowhere; it is only the stupid, the brilliantly stupid, who will inherit the earth.ā€ A nineteenth-century whaling ship sets sail for the Arctic with a killer aboard in this dark, sharp, and highly original tale that grips like a thriller. Behold the man: stinking, drunk, and brutal. Henry Drax is a harpooner on the Volunteer , a Yorkshire whaler bound for the rich hunting waters of the arctic circle. Also aboard for the first time is Patrick Sumner, an ex-army surgeon with a shattered reputation, no money, and no better option than to sail as the ship's medic on this violent, filthy, and ...

Silence is goldfish

By: Annabel Pitcher Location: FIC PIT Genre:Youth Fiction- real stuff "When Tess Turner learns that the man she thought was her dad isnā€™t her birth father, sheā€™s shocked into silence. Literally. As she looks into her past, the truth about her real dad may uncover a lot of painful secrets. But when you arenā€™t talking, itā€™s easier to keep them. This is a fantastic contemporary coming-of-age novel about the definition of family and identity. " Book Riot Community ā€œI might not always pay attention in Biology, but I am pretty certain that two blue-eyed parents cannot produce a brown-eyed child.ā€ My name is Tess Turner - at least, that's what I've always been told. I have a voice but it isn't mine. It used to say things so I'd fit in, to please my parents, to please my teachers. It used to tell the universe I was something I wasn't. It lied. It never occurred to me that everyone else was lying too. But the words that really hurt weren't...

Basketball books! Lots of them!

 Kevin Durant Stephen Curry LeBron James Russell Westbrook Michael Jordan The Book of Basketball We have been asked to get in basketball books- so we have. We have got a selection of biographies, autobiographies and general basketball books. They are ALL in 796.323, now there is a good bit of dewey for you all! If there is a players story we don't have and you want- please ask us and we will get it in for you!

Shadows on the Moon

By: Zoe Marriott Location: FIC MAR Genre: Cinderella re-tell -Japanese Style Series: The Moonlit Lands#1 ā€œ Better naked and alive than decent and dead , I thought.ā€ Family, revenge, power, beauty, magic. Shadows on the Moon is a lovely retelling of Cinderella set in a magical version of feudal Japan. The Cinderella of this story, Suzume, witnesses the murder of her beloved father and cousin and barely avoids death herself. The traumatic event shatters Suzume and she compartmentalizes the broken pieces to survive. On my fourteenth birthday when the sakura was in full bloom, the men came to kill us. We saw them come, Aimi and me. We were excited, because we did not know how to be frightened. We had never seen soldiers before. Suzume is a shadow-weaver. She can create mantles of darkness and light, walk unseen in the middle of the day, change her face. She can be anyone she wants to be. Except herself. Suzume died officially the day the Prince's men accused...

Our Chemical Hearts

By: Krystal Sutherland Location: FIC SUT Genre: Contemporary Romance John Green meets Rainbow Rowell in this irresistible story of first love, broken hearts, and the golden seams that put them back together again. ā€œLove doesn't need to last a lifetime for it to be real. You can't judge the quality of a love by the length of time it lasts. Everything dies, love included. Sometimes it dies with a person, sometimes it dies on its own. The greatest love story ever told doesn't have to be about two people who spent their whole lives together. It might be about a love that lasted two weeks or two months or two years, but burned brighter and hotter and more brilliantly than any other love before or after. Don't mourn a failed love; there is no such thing. All love is equal in the brain.ā€ Henry Page has never been in love. He fancies himself a hopeless romantic, but the slo-mo, heart palpitating, can't-eat-can't-sleep kind of love that he's bee...

Birdy Flynn

By: Sarah waters Location: FIC DON Genre: Young Adult A delightful, real, complex and thought provoking read. Highly recommend it. An uncompromising and uniquely powerful novel about growing up, making friends and being true to yourself. It is the summer and a group of children are playing down by a stream when they do a terrible thing. Something that Birdy tries unsuccessfully to avert. While the other children in the gang find it easy to forget what they have done, Birdy is trapped in the moment and feels bound to do something to make amends. But how does a child face up to responsibility and find the courage to do the right thing? Birdy Flynn follows a 12 year old girl (Birdy Flynn) growing up in 1982 London during the IRA bombings. The story starts out with the family cat being tortured by her group of male friends, and Birdy feels powerless to stop it. When the boys take off, she puts the cat out of her misery, and this secret tortures her throughout the ...

The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things

By: Ann Aguirre Location: FIC AGU Genre: Young Adult- Romanc e  This quote is cute but a bit gagable   ā€œI don't know how to be a boyfriend," he warns me. I cock a brow at him, smiling. "That's too bad...since I have a PhD in girlfriendology from the University of So Many Feelings.ā€ This quote is for real- we have just watched the Manchester bombings...  ā€œThe future sometimes looms like a monster, a horrible scary one with teeth and claws.Itā€™s hard to plan your life when all the news talks about is how screwed up the worldā€™s become. ā€   This quot e is real stuff, things a counselor might say ā€œThey're fooling themselves," I say. "It's better to deal with your shit head on. Life doesn't get better if you look away. " Sage Czinski is trying really hard to be perfect. If she manages it, people won't peer beyond the surface, or ask hard questions about her past. She's learned to substitute causes for relationships, a...

Rogue One- A Star wars Story

By: Alexander Freed Location: FIC FRE Genre: The Force Movie Tie In "One of the best movie adaptations yet."-- Cinelinx ā€œThe Force is with me,ā€ he repeated. ā€œAnd I am with the Force.ā€ Did he believe the words? Did it matter? Had it ever mattered?ā€ "This is what it feels like to read Star Wars. There are space battles, yes. Alien worlds. Martial arts mystics. But the shining jewel in this book's crown is Freed's character work. The characters are the heart and soul of this story--Jyn Erso, ultimately, most of all--but on the shoulders of the ensemble cast, cycling with well-honed timing from POV to POV, we get to know them, their motivations and struggles, and as they grow and arc on their doomed paths the reader's investment in them is signed, sealed, delivered. Sold. "- Jessica- As the shadows of the Empire loom ever larger across the galaxy, so do deeply troubling rumors. The Rebellion has learned of a sinister Imp...

Goodbye Days

By: Jeff Zenthner Location: FIC Zen Genre: Realistic Fiction I get mad when I see this.. real mad. Why do people think they can text and drive. I have taken to turning of my cell phone when I drive, or sticking it in the glove box- I just don't want to be that person, that it tempted and forever regrets it.... "We assume that it's better to survive things, but the ones who don't survive don't have to miss anyone. So sometimes I don't know which is better." Can a text message destroy your life? Carver Briggs never thought a simple text would cause a fatal crash, killing his three best friends, Mars, Eli, and Blake. Now Carver canā€™t stop blaming himself for the accident and even worse, there could be a criminal investigation into the deaths. Then Blakeā€™s grandmother asks Carver to remember her grandson with a ā€˜goodbye dayā€™ together. Carver has his misgivings, but he starts to help the families of his lost friends grieve with their own me...

Instructions for a Second-Hand Heart

By: Tamsyn Murray Location: FIC MAN Genre: Young Adult -Medical story with a bit of romance "Wonderful....I loved every minute" Jill Manse ll This is a story about facing the future no matter how frightening. This is a story about healing your heart, no matter how much it hurts Jonny isn't like "normal" teenagers. Every day he wakes up in hospital, kept alive by a machine. Every day he wonders if this is the day they'll find a donor match for his heart. Every day he wonders if this is the day he'll die. Every day, Niamh fights with her "perfect" brother Leo. Every single day, Leo wins. Every day, Niamh dreams of a life without Leo. But all that changes on the day of the accident: the day EVERYTHING falls apart.   The book follows Jonny, a teenage boy who's never had a real childhood because he's spent most of his life in hospital due to some severe cardiac issues, and Niamh, a girl whose life gets knocked inside...


By: Philip Reeve Location: FIC REE Genre:  Sci Fi Series: Railhead # 1 " WEIRDLY FAMILIAR AND MARVELOUSLY ORIGINAL "- KIRKUS ā€œ can't keep children in the nursery forever. If you do, they never become grown-ups, but they're not really children either. They are just pets.ā€   This book excites me!!!! I am a great fan of Philip Reeve- he got my son into reading and he forever got him hooked into SciFi/Fantasy. We were at Harrods in London on holiday and he saw a Mortal Engines book- signed by Philip Reeve- most of his holiday money was spent on that book. He is all growed up now and he treasures that book still! As for Railhead- it will start a new generation of  Reeve readers- hot on the heels of Mortal Engines coming out as a movie... and for that- me and my boy are having a date and this time- he is paying!!!! Come with me, Zen Starling, she had said. The girl in the red coat. But how did she know his name? The Great Network is a place of drones a...

Miss Treadway and the Field of Stars

B y:Miranda Emmerson Location: Fic Emm Genre: Historical Historical- really- 1965! Please No!!!!! How do you find a missing actress in a city where everyoneā€™s playing a role? A mystery, a love-story and a darkly beguiling tale of secrets and reinvention set in 1960s London. Soho, 1965. "This book was way more than I was expecting. More than just a mystery, this is a book with a diverse cast that are fun to get to know, with plots that interweave fluidly. Think of it as an anti-Brexit book: in the city of London people come together from all walks of life to try to save the day. It deals with abortion, race and most importantly finding your place in the world. It's also excellently written, not that surprising in retrospect given the author is a scriptwriter. The characters are fully realised, and the dialogue sharp. Highly enjoyable, do recommend"- Thomas- In a tiny two-bed flat above a Turkish cafĆ© on Neal Street lives Anna Treadway, a yo...

Star Touched Queen

By: Roshani Ghokshi Location: FIC GHo Genre: Fantasy  ā€œI know your soul. Everything else is just an ornament.ā€ Fate and fortune. Power and passion. What does it take to be the queen of a kingdom when youā€™re only seventeen? A retelling of Hades and Persephone .  Maya is cursed. With a horoscope that promises a marriage of death and destruction, she has earned only the scorn and fear of her fatherā€™s kingdom. Content to follow more scholarly pursuits, her whole world is torn apart when her father, the Raja, arranges a wedding of political convenience to quell outside rebellions. Soon Maya becomes the queen of Akaran and wife of Amar. Neither roles are what she expected: As Akaranā€™s queen, she finds her voice and power. As Amarā€™s wife, she finds something else entirely: Compassion. Protection. Desireā€¦ But Akaran has its own secretsā€”thousands of locked doors, gardens of glass, and a tree that bears memories instead of fruit. Soon, Maya suspects her life is in ...

A Sticky Note Guide To life

By: Chaz Hutton Location: NF 808.87HUT Genre: hehehehehe I use sticky notes all the time, reminders, doddles, ideas, markers- so useful, and can be so funny... LIFE! What does it all mean? Chaz Hutton, the worldā€™s first sticky note lifestyle guru, has taken it upon himself to figure it all out so we donā€™t have to. He covers all the important things: dating, working, eating, fighting gorillas, the impossible physics of toothpaste, the family history of a sock drawer, and so much more From the popular instachaaz instagram account, A Sticky Note Guide to Life takes the same tongue-in-cheek observations of life and crudely illustrates them on small pieces of yellow paper. With around 120 brand new, never-before-seen illustrations, and extended captions of nonsense, this is the best return on a money-for-laughs investment youā€™re likely to find.   

How to keep rolling after a fall

By: Karole Cozzo Location: FIC COZ Genre: Cyber Bullying- fiction- Young Adult   ā€œReally. I'm a firm believer in new beginnings. Looking back all the time... It really starts to hurt your neck." He shrugs carelessly. "If you don't want to be defined by your past, you shouldn't have to be.ā€ After a cyber bullying incident turns her life upside down, a handsome wheelchair rugby player shows a former mean girl that everyone deserves a second chance. The party was at her house. The photos were posted to her Facebook account. That's all the evidence anyone needed to condemn Nikki Baylor for a cyberbullying incident that humiliated a classmate and nearly resulted in the girl's suicide. Now Nikki's been expelled from her old school, her friends have abandoned her, and even her own parents can't look her in the eye. With her plans for the future all but destroyed, Nikki resigns herself to being the girl everyone hates - almost as much as ...

The Garvie Smith Mysteries - Running Girl and Kid Got Shot

By: Simon Mason Location: FIC M S G enre: Like Sherlock but lazier Series: The Garvie Smith Mysteries Shortlisted for the Costa Children Book Award Meet Garvie Smith: Charming, brilliant and completely bone idle. If anything can get his attention, it might just be a murder.   Chloe Dow was as beautiful as she was ā€¦ not a nice person (at least in the eyes of her peers). But still, she did not deserve to meet such a tragic end. The community is shocked by her death and DI Singh has been entrusted with the task to bring the perpetrator of her crime to justiceā€¦If only, teenager Garvie Smith kept his nose out of it, it would make his job a lot easier. Unfortunately, Garvie who is a brilliant mind and equally the greatest underachiever in his school was yet to have his mind stimulated until the case of Chloe Dow came along to DI Singhā€™s dismay. ā€œRunning Girlā€ is a very well balanced piece of literature with the right amount of crime ingredients mixed in with YA eleme...

Kings of the Wyld

By: Nicholas Eames Location: FIC EAM Genre: Epic Fantasy GLORY NEVER GETS OLD "A rollicking, page-turning, edge-of-your-seat road trip of a book" John Gwynn Clay Cooper and his band were once the best of the best -- the meanest, dirtiest, most feared crew of mercenaries this side of the Heartwyld. Their glory days long past, the mercs have grown apart and grown old, fat, drunk - or a combination of the three. Then an ex-bandmate turns up at Clay's door with a plea for help. His daughter Rose is trapped in a city besieged by an enemy one hundred thousand strong and hungry for blood. Rescuing Rose is the kind of mission that only the very brave or the very stupid would sign up for. It's time to get the band back together for one last tour across the Wyld "Eames wrote a story of tragedy and darkness, but in an amusing, humoristic and light-hearted tone. All in all, Kings of the Wyld is a pleasant, poignant, well-told and engaging story, and N...

Under the Almond Tree

By: Laura McVeigh Location: FIC MCV Genre: Historical Fiction- refugees ā€œSo when I feel most lost I choose to remember those things that help me survive. I choose love.ā€ Refugee stories settled inside of me at a young age- I Am Davi d was one of the very first books I read that produced a deep inner reaction inside of me. Injustice, homelessness, discrimination and the share courage to survive that had to be displayed because of  the trauma of war- It infuriated me for all the right reasons and these books still do...   If you lost everything you loved, how would you survive and begin again? Under the Almond Tree tells the story of one refugee family fleeing conflict and war in Afghanistan in the 1990s as they travel towards freedom and safety. Fifteen year old Samar, the middle child, shares the story of her incredible journey on the Trans-Siberian Express - with the help of Napoleon, the Ticke...

Everything I Never Told You

By: Celeste Ng Location: FIC NG Genre:Contemporary Everything I Never Told You is a gripping page-turner, about secrets, love, longing, lies and race ā€œBefore that she hadnā€™t realized how fragile happiness was, how if you were careless, you could knock it over and shatter it.ā€ "what an intense, dark, thought-provoking book. This will stay on my mind for a long time. I feel a mixture of emotions after finishing this. The telling of the story and writing was excellent. The story itself was very intriguing, but very sad."- Lindsay Lydia is dead. But they don't know this yet. Lydia is the favourite child of Marilyn and James Lee; a girl who inherited her mother's bright blue eyes and her father's jet-black hair. Her parents are determined that Lydia will fulfill the dreams they were unable to pursue - in Marilyn's case that her daughter become a doctor rather than a homemaker, in James's case that Lydia be popular at school, a girl w...

Before the Fall

By: Noah Hawley Location: FIC HAW Genre: Mystery ā€œIt's hard to be sad when you're being useful.ā€ On a foggy summer night, eleven people--ten privileged, one down-on-his-luck painter--depart Martha's Vineyard headed for New York. Sixteen minutes later, the unthinkable happens: the passengers disappear into the ocean. The only survivors are Scott Burroughs--the painter--and a four-year-old boy, who is now the last remaining member of a wealthy and powerful media mogul's family. With chapters weaving between the aftermath of the tragedy and the backstories of the passengers and crew members--including a Wall Street titan and his wife, a Texan-born party boy just in from London, a young woman questioning her path in life, and a career pilot--the mystery surrounding the crash heightens. As the passengers' intrigues unravel, odd coincidences point to a conspiracy: Was it merely dumb chance...

Summit Lake

By: Charlie Donlea Location: FIC DON Genre:  Mystery A gem of a mystery, fast-paced and suspenseful." -- Catherine Coulter, # 1 New York Times bestselling author. "An exciting debut, with all the right touches, captivating from the first page to the last." -- Steve Berry, New York Times bestselling author. "A swift, outstanding debut." -- Robert Dugoni, New York Times bestselling author. "Fans of contemporary suspense will enjoy this brisk read." -- Booklis t Some places seem too beautiful to be touched by horror. Summit Lake, nestled in North Carolina s Blue Ridge Mountains, is that kind of place. But two weeks ago, Becca Eckersley, a first-year law student and daughter of a powerful attorney, was brutally murdered there. Now the town is reeling with grief, and the police are baffled. At first, investigative reporter Kelsey Castle thinks of the assignment as a fluff piece. But the savagery of the crime, and the efforts to keep it quiet,...


By: M.P.Kozlowsky Location: FIC KOZ Genre: Science Fiction- Robot Style How good is this cover!!!! But it is a scary book and I don't like scary books! Being human is her greatest strength. "At one point, they came across a rotting, severed finger that still had a ring on it. There was a pair of baby shoes, practically new, the laces still tied. Wedged within a large crack was a doll, ragged but still smiling. Despite her growing anxiety, Frost smiled back ." Sixteen-year-old Frost understands why sheā€™s spent her entire life in an abandoned apartment building. The ruined streets below are hunting grounds for rogue robots and Eaters. She understands why sheā€™s never met a human besides her father. She even understands why he forbids her to look for medicine for her dying pet. But the thing is, itā€™s not her real father giving the ordersā€¦ Itā€™s his memories. Before he died, Frostā€™s father uploaded his consciousness into their robot servant. But the technology mal...


By: Jay kristoff Location: FIC KRI Genre: Fantasy Series: Nevernight Chronicle #1 ā€œThe books we love, they love us back. And just as we mark our places in the pages, those pages leave their marks on us. I can see it in you, sure as I see it in me. You're a daughter of the words. A girl with a story to tell. ā€ How awesome is that quote!!! Simply put NEVERNIGHT is a story about the daughter of a failed revolutionary, seeking revenge against her father's killers :  Destined to destroy empires Mia Covere is only ten years old when she is given her first lesson in death. Six years later, the child raised in the shadows takes her first steps towards keeping the promise she made on the day that she lost everything. But the chance to strike against such powerful enemies will be fleeting, so if she is to have her revenge, Mia must become a weapon without equal. She must prove herself against the deadliest of friends and enemies, and survive the tutelage of murderers, liars...

Losers Take All

By: David Klass Location: FIC KLA Genre: Sports- Youth Fiction "Losers Take All put a huge smile on my face. It was funny, heartwarming, different, and full of love-ably quirky characters." Michelle     Our kids had to play sport, didnt care what- so long as they were in a team. Chess, debating, even synchronized drowning ... Sport matters, teams matter, mates matter- yep being in a team matters and it is good! What if you were forced into a team game, what would you pick and who with and why? At Jack Logan's sports-crazy New Jersey high school, the new rule is that all kids must play on a team. So Jack and a ragtag group of anti-athletic friends decide to get even. They are going to start a rebel JV soccer team whose mission is to avoid victory at any cost, setting out to secretly undermine the jock culture of the school. But as the team's losing formula becomes increasingly successful at attracting fans and attention, Jack and his teammates a...

Shot at Close Range

By; John Silvester and Andrew Rule Location: NF 920 SIL Genre: Organized Crime- mafia and stuff Series; Underbelly This is the real true story of the underbelly of organized crime in Aussie    Who goes to a funeral of a mafia gang lord and why...   'Pino' Acquaro got his big Italian funeral, but the mobsters didn't get the memo. The church was packed but nearly every gangster he knew stayed away. The handsome mafia lawyer had bungled burning down his Brunswick bar for the insurance but he had burned his bridges beyond repair. A couple of hard men turned up. The sort that wear sunglasses in church. One was the departed's last client, a cool customer who'd been a regular at Acquaro's bar. And there was a bald heavyweight wearing so much chunky gold he'd hardly need concrete boots if he had to be sent to sleep with the fishes. The dead man's son read from the Book of Wisdom....


By: S.Jae-Jones Location: FiC JON Genre: Romantic fantasy Recommend for lovers of dark poetic fairytales ā€œI looked him straight in the eye. "What was it your father used to say?" Hans said nothing. He turned his head away. "What's the use of running, if we are on the wrong road?ā€ ā€• S. Jae-Jones, Wintersong ā'I am the Lord of Mischief, the Ruler Underground,' he said, mismatched eyes glinting. 'I am wildness and madness made flesh. Youā€™re just a girl'ā€”he smiled, and the tips of his teeth were sharpā€”'and I am the wolf in the woods.'āž    S. Jae-Jones, Wintersong Beware the goblin men and the wares they sell. All her life, nineteen-year-old Liesl has heard tales of the beautiful, mysterious Goblin King. He is the Lord of Mischief, the Ruler Underground, and the muse around which her music is composed. Yet, as Liesl helps shoulder the burden of running her familyā€™s inn, her drea...

Paper Home

By: Esther Thorpe Location: NF 736 THO Genre: Making Fun Paper Stuff This looks like fun... Make 15 stunning origami projects for your home! Although rooted in traditional shapes and techniques, Esther Thorpeā€™s origami designs have an altogether modern and beautifully graphic aesthetic. Her striking items appear more intricate than they actually are, and are perfect for easing novices into the craft and building their skills. Featuring 15 projects of varying levels of difficulty, Thorpeā€™s richly illustrated first book includes everything from a simple Triangular Box and Star Garland to a vase using sonobe origami modules; a childā€™s mobile; a set of ā€œfeltigamiā€ storage baskets, and an incredibly impressive concertina lampshade .