What's My Cat Thinking

By: Dr Jo Lewis Location: NF 636.8Lew Genre: MEOW!!! ! I bought this for Catherine!!!! She has an insane cat and this might help her! Unlock the secret code of cats for a deeper connection with the feline in your life. Have you ever wondered why your cats behave the way they do? This authoritative guide has all the answers! Cats can be quite sensitive to their surroundings, and sometimes their behaviour can leave you scratching your head. Discover what's really behind those things cats do - whether they're amusing, irritating, or just downright bizarre. What's My Cat Thinking will help cat lovers build a deeper connection with the feline in their lives. Inside, you'll find: - Accurate descriptions of behaviour will help you understand your cat's body language nuances and act accordingly - " Advanced Catwatching" features put the spotlight on key behaviours such as sofa-scratching - "Survival Guides" offer top tips for managing challenges s...