The ACB with Honora Lee

By: Kate De Goldi
Illustrated: Gregory O'Brien
Genre:  Hmmm Kind of a novel cross a picture book about family.

I was chatting to a friend over breakfast this morning about our grandparents. The kind of people they are or were, the impact they have on us, how they teach us things our parents may not have. My Grandmother taught me to comb my hair, 100 times in one place and then 100 in another- I have very curly hair- Nana it was not that easy!! She taught me to put my peas on my mashed potato so they would not fall off -my Nana was clever. She also instilled in me that politics matters, that idea's need to be thought about, she showed me that Religion was a lifestyle that had meaning, she made me know that standards and expectations were high and as "Adams" it was my job to keep them as generations had before. I hope she would be proud of me now- even though I still pull apart my Cameo creams and lick the icing!!
This story is also about a Granddaughter and her Gran, it is about a child and the elderly- and it is beautiful, it is whole, it is about words- but it is about life and  meaning. Grans and Nana's do that to you- sometimes even if they don't know that they do!


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