Eat to Beat Cholesterol

By: Nicole Senior and Veronica Cuskelly
Location: NF 641.5 SEN
Genre: Food and health

We have someone in our household with high cholesterol, and he is as fit as a fiddle, yet he has inherited the gene that gives him nasty readings at the doctors. We did some research on how we could manage this with diet, bad news PB- no cheese, ice cream and no sausages for you my boy!!
This book is full of great information, yummy recipes and cooking tips, and it will be a great help to you Yr 13's who need to do an assessment on special diets . It outlines what food are really good to eat, what foods are actually cholesterol friendly and reduce levels - like fish, and what ones might even kill you. They even answer the big question- are eggs good or bad? I guess that depends if it is Eggs Bene really:)


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