
By: Julie Murphy
Location: FIC MUR
Genre: Romance, YA, Your body is yours- be proud if it

Working in a high school I see so many students who feel self-conscious, people who make snide comments about someone's appearance without thinking, and moments of people doubting themselves for whatever reason.

This novel is about Willow (full name Willowdean) who is called 'Dumplin' ' by her mum. Why? Because her mum is an ex beauty queen who basically sees people for who they are based on their exterior. Sound familiar?

Willow rocks. She breaks out against this cruel nickname and even decides to enter a beauty competition that her mum is running! Queue the outrage... *now*...

Yep- she shocks her friend, her mum, and she even gets the hot boy.

Oh and do you want to know Willow's tip for how to get a bikini body? It is nearly summer after all-

Step One- take one body. Your body will do.

Step Two- put a bikini on it.

Done that? Now you have yourself a bikini body.

This was a great novel and I really enjoyed it. Sign up for the summer reading programme and you can even take this one home! Permission slips are in the library, or ask Mrs Bichan or Mrs Mannell.


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