Living on Hope Street

By: Demet Divaroren
33311851Location: FIC DIV
Genre: Social issues- community- tough stuff

Hope Street- I wonder how many people in our nation live on a street where they even know their neighbors names. How can we ever know their stories... if we don't even know their names and how can we build meaningful community where we actually look out for each other- when we are so wrapped up in our own little precious worlds. It might be tough to go and engage with your neighbor, it might cost you something- but it is the right thing to do and if we want strong communities in our nation and if we truly want to fight bigotry and racism we have no choice. It is in relationships that we win that war and fight it we must!!!

We all love someone. We all fear something. Sometimes they live right next door - or even closer.

Kane will do everything he can to save his mother and his little brother Sam from the violence of his father, even if it means becoming a monster himself.

Mrs Aslan will protect the boys no matter what - even though her own family is in pieces.

Ada wants a family she can count on, while she faces new questions about herself.

Mr Bailey is afraid of the refugees next door, but his worst fear will take another form.

And Gugulethu is just trying to make a life away from terror.

On this street, everyone comes from different places, but to find peace they will have to discover what unites them.


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