You don't even know

By:Sue Lawson
Location: FIC LAW
Genre: A story of love, loss and forgiveness.

Oh dear, this book is one of those! When you skim it in the library office small droplets of water escape from your eye's. Maybe because in our town, we have had a similar story-it feels close to home.
This story is about a normal family, large, full of family stuff, brothers fighting, cute little sister and a pushy Dad that favours one son over the other- with Mum trying to hold it all together.
Then it happens...   cute little sister Mia drowns on her brothers watch. Then he has an "accident" that sends him to Neurosurgery High Dependency for a long painful recovery- all the time blaming himself for Mia's death and fighting in his mind the truth about his brother's actions on that day.
Alex Hudson is a good guy. He plays water polo. He has a part-time job. He s doing okay at school. Then those things that anchors Alex are ripped away and his life seems pointless. How can he make anyone else understand how he feels, when he doesn't even know?
I heard a stat the other day 80% of marriages dissolve after a child dies. It is a hard hard journey.
Can Alex fix the shattered family, when they blame him? How can he tell the truth about his brother when his Dad would never believe him?

Who is the hero in this often sad book- Mum, she holds it all together, she alone loves all the same and I really feel her pain and her fears as her family destroys itself- can she fight for each of them hard enough to hold it all together.
Only the truth can heal- but will it ever be told?


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