Beyond Belief

Location: FIC WHI
Genre: Historical Fiction- Holocaust
Beyond Belief is a a creative look into the true stories of Muslims saving Jewish children during World War II.
"An enjoyable and interesting look into the way Muslim people helped Jewish people during WW2. Great to have a different perspective of this historical period and be reminded of the resilience, courage and empathy shown by so many people during the Holocaust."- Anna
A fantastic young adult novel set in France during the Second World War. Inspired by the true story of Muslims who saved the lives of Jewish children in Paris. It is a time when the Nazis are rounding up all Jewish people in and around Paris. Reuben is taken to a mosque by his mother with a promise the family would all meet up in Spain. But of course, this cannot happen. Reuben is forced to escape the mosque with two other Jewish children, when all in the mosque are being persecuted by the Germans. The children are helped by the French underground to try and make it to safety. The risks they must take and the heartache suffered makes for a gripping novel.
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