What Stars Are Made Of.

Location: FIC ALL
Genre: Family, Illness, Courage, Disability
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all"
What a sweet, heart-wrenching read. This was so beautifully done. Libby was such a perfect character and I loved her so much. I flew through this one!- Brielle
From the publishers who brought you Wonder, comes an astonishingly bold and moving middle-grade debut about family, friendship and how it's OK to be different.
Libby wants to be a scientist when she grows up, just like her hero, the underrated astronomer Cecilia Payne. She'd also do anything for her family - and when her beloved big sister Nonny is in trouble, Libby comes up with the perfect plan to help her, and at the same time remind the world what stars are made of.
"Through the eyes of 12-yr-old Libby, children will experience what it is like living with the rare genetic disorder Turners Syndrome. This is a female-only genetic disorder that affects about 1 in every 2,000 baby girls, and the author, Sarah Allen, herself. Babies with the disorder can often be born with a heart three sizes too big for their body. So, when Libby learns that her sister Nonny is having a baby, Libby begins to worry about the baby being born with an impairment too. She sets in motion a plan to win a contest with the Smithsonian Institution to help her sister save money and keep a deal with destiny."
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