Reaching Out- Messages of hope

By: Stacks of famous people.
Genre: World Peace
Location: FIC REA
Inspired by: Mariah Kennedy

This is my kind of book, anything that has Leunig in- is. This book is full of stories, stories of hope, stories of conviction. It is dedicated to all the children that suffer and all the children who have the power to change things. I believe they do- I have seen it. Children who are dalits, who refuse to be beaten into a mould and declare steadfastly that they will be educated and they will soar. Children whose mothers have died of HIV aids, who are bundled into homeless shelters, raped and made to live in poverty- I know this child, her name is Hazel- today she works in a bank, parenting her gorgeous baby proving that circumstances are not the determiner of fate. She is my hero.
There is a story in this book by Morris Gleitzman called " Give peas a chance" and in it is a great line " This is crazy, Ben" said his mother. "People can't change the world even if they want to. Not unless they are Bono or the bloke that invented the iPod. You'll feel different in the morning. Have an early night, there's a good boy".
Why oh why do we limit the Mariah Kennedy's of this world, why do we say we can't make a difference, we can This site is one I am strongly connected too- it is about training untrained teachers in Africa and India to make Hazel and Priya soar. Oh yes we can make a difference, we can, you  can only eat an elephant one bite at a time, you can throw one star fish back and by doing so- we have changed the world of one. There is huge power in one.

The stories collated in here are moving, funny, striking, deep and challenging. Deborah Ellis, Andy Griffiths, Michael Morpurgo, Graeme Base, Anna Snoekstra....

Read- be inspired and all power to Mariah, you have rocked your world and you probably deserve to eat plate fulls of vegetables!!


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