The Journey

28818766By: Francesca Sanna
Location: PIC SAN
Genre:A real story- to real

This picture book left me silent. Mad. Sad. Angry. Hopeful. Frustrated. Determined!
Picture books speak, they tell complex stories simply. They make us reflect deeply within 50 pages often more than what a 320 page novel can..Maybe it is the combo of print  and art that illicit deep reactions from within.
Whatever it is- it works!

From the author: The Journey is actually a story about many journeys, and it began with the story of two girls I met in a refugee center in Italy. After meeting them I realized that behind their journey lay something very powerful. So I began collecting more stories of migration and interviewing many people from many different countries. A few months later, in September 2014, when I started studying a Master of Arts in Illustration at the Academy of Lucerne, I knew I wanted to create a book about these true stories. Almost every day on the news we hear the terms "migrants" and "refugees" but we rarely ever speak to or hear the personal journeys that they have had to take. This book is a collage of all those personal stories and the incredible strength of the people within them.Image result for 9781909263994


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