A Contract with God

Image result for 9780393328042By: Will Eisner
Location: GRA EIS
Genre: Graphic Novel

Through a quartet of four interwoven stories, A Contract With Godexpress the joy, exuberance, tragedy, and drama of life on the mythical Dropsie Avenue in the Bronx. This is the legendary book that launched a new art form and reaffirmed Will Eisner as one of the great pioneers of American graphics.

Julia: This is not a book to aid in the Christian perspective. If anything, it's existential and nihilistic. It is a book that looks at disillusionment, frustration, loneliness, sex and violence in a mixed culture sharing a community of poverty. It's powerful, gritty and real. But don't look to it for faith or spiritual inspiration.

"This book is based on the memories that Will Eisner has about his own and his contemporaries’ experiences while growing up in New York. The book presents a selection of four stories, which are interconnected and based on a fictional tenement situated in 55 Dropsie Avenue, the Bronx, New York and narrates the personal and intimate memories that the author have about a bunch of characters from his past. 

The tenement was built around 1920 when the flow of immigrants afterWorld War I to New York was like a flood. By the 30s low paid city employees, laborers and their families thrived in these tenements, which became home to a whole first generation of Americans born to their foreign parents. There was no privacy within these apartment buildings and these stories that Will Eisner narrate in the graphic medium is based on the life as it was in these tenements during “the dirty 30s”. You can detect the dynamics of relationships, the culture, the depression and state of economy and everything that prevailed in the 30s within these frames". Pramod Nor

"I'm not quite sure what I just read. The title story is must clear cut, and heart breaking. The other stories tend to be on that line of rape and sexual power that make you feel a bit icky. There is also sucide and animal death.

Yet, the stories are extremely powerful. It is worth the read." Christine


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