Find Momo

Image result for 9781683691068By: Andrew Knapp
Location: NF 793.73
Genre: Finding a puppy in photos across Europe!!!!

This is a book that will never be in  793.73- it will be all over the library!!!

I sat in the office the other day with students all squashed around me as  we looked for Momo, so much fun, he has such a cute face. This is far better thanWally because when you see Momo you smile and then you think- hang on- I want to go there!

Play hide-and-seek with Momo, the bandana-wearing, head-tilting border collie who loves to tuck himself away for the stunning photographs taken by his BFF Andrew.  This book features beautiful cities and landscapes throughout Europe. Join Andrew and Momo on their travels to Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, the UK, and more. See if you can spot Momo concealed in picturesque neighborhoods, among ancient ruins, around castles and cathedrals, at legendary attractions, and in off-the-beaten-path locations that only these seasoned travelers could find. It’s the grand tour of Europe you’ve always wanted—with Momo’s cute and happy face waiting for you at every destination. 

"Such a sweet search and find book, excellent blend of snapshots of life across Europe and a furry well-behaved companion hidden around every corner. Really enjoyed the variety in difficulty, from obvious amusing placement to some pages that took a little while to locate that little white and black face peering out from a distance."


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