An Elephant in my Kitchen

Image result for 9781509864911
By: Francoise Malby- Anthony
Location: 920 MAL
Genre:  Non Fiction- Elephants:)

I love Elephants- a lot. I went to Kenya to the Elephant Baby Rescue home- The David Sheldrick  Wildlife Trust. They are the cutest things ever!

"Beautifully tragic and yet inspirationally uplifting... if "An Elephant In My Kitchen" is not already on your to read list, add it now and make it number one" Ashleigh

"If this is not the cutest book you;ll read this year, I don’t know what is. It’s a lesson of hope and resilience and a lesson we should all, as humans learn. Elephants are amazing and I applaud this woman for doing what she’s doing and bringing awareness to us all about how we can learn from these giant beasts. The stories of how elephants help each other, warm to each pother, support and nuture each other is fascinating and I can’t believe some of the stories to be honest – they’re so heartwarming and made me teary eyed.

The story is not all love and roses however – infact the main part is the struggle of getting this reserve to how it is today, how the author went against everything and everyone she knew in many ways to follow her dream. And there’s a lovely afterword to tell you the updates of what happened next.

Delightful and needs to be on the screen at some point. I can help pick the cast – what a lovely job that would be!" The Book Trail reviewer


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