
Showing posts from June, 2016


By; Brandy Colbert Location: FIC COL Genre: Ballet, Coming of Age  and a bit of romance with a eating disorder thrown in! Very awesomely the lead protagonist is Afro American It's dark, it's sympathetic, it's suspenseful and intense, it's graceful and powerful. Theo is better now. She's eating again, dating guys who are almost appropriate, and well on her way to becoming an elite ballet dancer. But when her oldest friend, Donovan, returns home after spending four long years with his kidnapper, Theo starts reliving memories about his abductionā€”and his abductor. Donovan isn't talking about what happened, and even though Theo knows she didn't do anything wrong, telling the truth would put everything she's been living for at risk. But keeping quiet might be worse People fawn over the beauty of dance. The long legs and elegant shoes and expertly twisted buns. And it's not that they're wrong. Those are all part of the reason I was draw...

The Leopard's Tail

By: Nicola Davies Location: EAS DAV Genre: Animal rescue So in two days I go to India with RATA Teacher Support- I guess that is why these blogs have been about my places in the world over the last couple of days. No blogging for a few weeks sorry people! I will be hanging out with a bunch of amazing Indian educators who although formally untrained are making a huge impact in the lives of the students that they teach and our job is to support and encourage them in this! There are leopards in India! Malik loves exploring the mountains near his village in Armenia, and he's never forgotten the leopard he once saw as a very young boy. But the night he hears a shot from a poacher's gun ring out across the mountain he knows his leopard is in grave danger. As Malik strives to find out who would want to kill such a beautiful creature, he uncovers a villainous plot that will mean not only the death of his rare and beloved leopard, but will harm every other livin...

Abina and the Important Men

By: Trevor R. Getz and Liz Clarke Location: GRA GET Genre: Slavery History This one will get me going as well. Set in Ghana- a nation close to my heart, it is about a woman who is wrongly enslaved and eventually she takes the 'important men" to court. Isn't everyone wrongly enslaved- who has been rightly slaved? I have been to the door of no return in Elmina Castle on the Cape Coast in Ghana. That place is haunted- I tell you! It is a small door where the 'slaves" would walk through onto the boats to take them away so there bodies could be used as machines to do work for free, I felt sick and gutted that  due to my heritage somehow I was related to that evil scheme. I guess the redeeming feature of that experience was I went with a bunch of amazing Ghanaian school kids- 25 of us in a minivan- and those kids played in that castle, laughed, ran- redeeming its story in part. The slavery of their forebears was matched with spontaneous freedom and joy by a bunch ...

Make It- Gift It

By: Mari Bolte Location: NF 745.5 BOL Genre: Crafts I do not do crafts- ever, prefer to run a marathon- which I've never done- than to make crafts. Id prefer to clean a hotel full of bathrooms than do craft. I just dont like making things- unless its food The only good things I have ever made are my kids- I might embarrass them saying that- but it is true! I tried to knit my daughter a cute baby jersey cause good mums do- my friends basically did the whole thing- I made coffee! My mum has just taken a cross stitch I was doing for my son when he was two- it was a cute fire engine. he loved fire engines. She is going to finish it for me- he is now 26. But I know some people LOVE crafts and so I bought you a book.... enjoy! There's nothing more fun than giving the perfect hand-crafted gift! From simple hostess gifts to fully personalized gifts for that very special someone, Make It, Gift It has everything you need to get started. Learn how to create one-of-a-kind masterpi...

The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind

By: William Kamkwamba and Byran Mealer Location: NF 920 KAM Genre: African Brilliance This will get me going... Last year I had the opportunity and privilege to help construct two libraries in Tanzania and a few years back we gifted three to schools in Ghana. Little do you know when you humbly visit a village and convert an container into a library and leave a few thousand books and walk away- what could happen as a result. Who would know that a kid would study them, pour over them- and perhaps then become an  home grown engineer to impact the entire village. Will the books we gifted our schools create another William Kamkwamba- I hope so- I hope so! This story is so inspirational to me, because I have seen it, I know it, I have met Williams of Africa but this guy did it, made it happen and shared his story with the world. What did he do- he saw a book in the village library that had a windmill picture in it. His village was devastated by a famine and he had to leave school....

New Guard- CHERUB SERIES- The Last One

By: Robert Muchamore Location: FIC MUC- goodluck with that- it will be out for ages... Genre: Cherub Phillip our head librarian from 2015 just bowled in here and exclaimed that this was by far the best Cherub Book he has read! I would say that is a fairly honorable recommendation! Phillip says it involves a very dangerous mission involving the main characters from the previous series having to come back to join the current Cherubs and do a undercover mission into Islamic State to blow up an oil station and rescue some kidnapped engineers- like Mission Impossible ... now that sounds scary and if you ask me this combo of Cherubs may not value their heads! Ryan Sharma is a CHERUB agent. Working undercover, he can slip under adult radar and get information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail.  Now he's investigating a double kidnapping, working with mission controller James Adams.  In the mission to end all missions, Ryan and James must assemble a team of legendar...

The bombs that bought us together

By: Brian Conaghan Location: FIC CON Genre:  Dystopia- bullying and friendship Is this book a nod toward the Syrian refugee issues, does it say out loud what we might think and some of us do. It this book set in another world and place, but screaming at us today? Also- here is a question this books asks- is it OK to do bad things to protect people you love? Is it ok to hurt a whole truck load of others so your family can be safe?.... Fourteen-year-old Hamish Law has lived in Little Town, on the border with Old Country, all his life. He knows the rules: no going out after dark; no drinking; no litter; no fighting. You don't want to get on the wrong side of the people who run Little Town. When he meets Pavel Duda, a refugee from Old Country, the rules start to get broken. Then the bombs come, and the soldiers from Old Country, and Little Town changes for ever. Sometimes, to keep the people you love safe, you have to do bad things. As Little Town's rules crumble, Hamish is ...

The Girl from the Train

By: Irma Joubert location: Fic Jou Genre: Historical Fiction This book is historical fiction- my favorite genre. It is about two stories in history that fascinate me- Holocaust Germany and Apartheid South Africa. What I cannot get my head around is how the Jewish re settlers in South Africa could ever be pro-apartheid, surely from their own experiences they would have to be the first to protest loudly... some did- others cowered in silence. It seems sadly that this book does not explore the horrors of apartheid as it does the horrors of the holocaust. Perhaps a visit to the Holocaust museum in Capetown is in order- it parallels the evils of both regimes . I would assume a book with such Christian content- would off and should have addressed the evils of both systems ! Six-year-old Gretl Schmidt is on a train bound for Auschwitz. JakĆ³b Kowalski is planting a bomb on the tracks. As World War II draws to a close, JakĆ³b fights with the Polish resistance a...


By: Eilis Barrett Location: FIC BAR Genre: science-fiction post-apocalyptic  The blurb on the back of this book is stunning.. and this book was written by a 16 year old!! Go you!!!! 'Maybe freedom is knowing who you are, so no one can try to make you think you're someone else" What is freedom? It is a good question. Free to move, free to make decisions, free to think, free to chose our home,  free to chose employment, free to chose who we love.. What about free to pursue peace, free to be just, free to be prosperous, free to have order. Is freedom a selfish thing or a corporate thing. I think in places like Syria freedom six years ago was a private thing, something one determined for themselves- now it has become a national issue, even an international issue- what freedom was for a Syrian six years ago is very very different from today. This book is about freedom- set in a very different world to Syria but perhaps the theme of survival is exactly the same...

If I were a book

By: Jose Jorge Letria  Illustrated by Andre Letria Location: PIC LET Genre: The power of a book-  This picture book is a gem of a gem. A love letter to all book lovers... A must-read for all bibliophiles! Caitlin said this after she read it " This is one of the most beautiful children's books I have ever read. For all ages and all times and all hands." "If I were a book, I'd like to  have my own magical place in  every child's imagination."  "If I were a book, I'd like to be read late at night in a  sleeping bag with a flashlight."  "If I were a book, I'd be one skyscraper in the city of  words."

Throne of the Crescent Moon

By: Saladin Ahmed Location: FIC AHM Genre:  A  fantasy adventure with all the magic of  The Arabian Nights . ā€œSimple things ought not to be taken for granted.ā€  ā€•  Saladin Ahmed ,  Throne of the Crescent Moon " Come for the sword fighting, but stay for the humane message at the heart of this terrific fantasy"- A sword & sorcery fantasy set against an Arabian Nights backdrop. The story follows the paths of three unlikely characters: Adoulla Makhslood, an aging disgruntled mage and the last ghul hunter left in the city who's still hunting ghuls; Raseed bas Raseed, the mage's young pious protege who, unfortunately, has no magic of his own but has been blessed with great strength; and Zamia Badawi, a young gifted (but self-righteous) shapeshifter from a desert tribe who no longer has a home. These three are drawn together by circumstance--a powerful sorcerer is creating powerful ghuls and letting them loose to slaughter in the desert....


By: Ellen Hopkins Location: FIC HOP Genre:  Dark, hard, and not easy- suicide and homosexuality are the topics for this one.. . With brilliant sensitivity and emotional resonance, bestselling author Ellen Hopkinsā€™s  Rumble  explores bullying and suicide in a powerful story that examines the value of forgiveness and reconciliation. I don't know- should we have this book in our library... Should we address issues of suicide, do we want books that are full of anger, hatred, bigotry. Or do we face these issues, hear the voices even if we don't like them, or if they make us uncomfortable. Should I offer this book to my 13-14 yr old students who struggle to often figure themselves out without chucking a book at them  that just piles confusion and anger and big hard difficult ideas at them. Can we just be without all this crap in our face about how brutal we are to each other and ourselves- or do we shout that we are, so we can understand...

Immortal Game Series

By: Ann Aguirre Location: FIC AGU Genre:Paranormal, mythical, urban fantasy, creepy Series: Immortal Game  #1- Mortal Danger #2- Public Enemies Revenge is a dish best served cold. Ann Aguirre's Mortal Danger (Immortal Game, #1) begins a new series that focuses on Edith (Edie) Kramer, and a game that is being played out between two separate presumably paranormal forces that use humans as their chess pieces.  Mortal Danger  focuses on Edith (Edie) Kramer. When we first meet Edie, she's reached the end of her rope, and decides to kill herself. She has it all meticulously planned out to the very minute. Edie has been the brunt of cruel bullying and harassment by the so called Teflon crew at Briarwood Academy that goes beyond what is considered to be in good taste. She's shy, she has absolutely no friends, her parents are pretty clueless and ignorant about her unhappiness, and in her mind's eye, it's better to be dead, than face yet another day. Kian Riley ...

Book of Lies

By: Teri Terry Location: FIC TER Genre:  Family, secrets, relationships, magic, morality My dad is an identical twin- he is 8 minutes older than his brother- they are nearly 80 and  are still best friends who have done life together. They have the twin vibe, they "know" things about each other, they purchase the same clothes without knowing, and  they have had such a rich life because they have done it together.  to think they could be separated at birth and have different lives is unthinkable.... That is what happened to Piper and Quinn Piper and Quinn are twins separated by their Mother when they are tiny. Piper has a good life with her Mother and Father in a nice house with a somewhat normal childhood. Quinn is left behind with their Grandmother in a remote house on the moors. Quinn is brought up in a frugal household with no schooling, harsh punishments for small misdemeanors and infrequent visits from her Mother who is indifferent to her or...

The Perfect Girl

By: Gilly MacMillan Location: FIC GIR Genre:    psychological-thriller ,  suspense , family sadness By order of Miss Featonby - and what a great recommendation it is!!! She has stolen it from the library so if you want to read it you will have to wait two days- she is a speed reader! ā€œAdults like to put a name on everything you feel, as if a name can neutralise it. Theyā€™re wrong, though. Some things settle under your skin and donā€™t ever go away, no matter what you call themā€ Originally titled Butterfly in the Dark, the story revolves around teenage musical prodigy Zoe Maisey. Years earlier she was convicted of killing of a number of her friends in a car accident and was sentenced to nine months in a rehabilitation unit. Now years later her parents have divorced, with her mother remarrying. Tonight is mean't to be the culmination of Zoe's life resurrection, performing a musical with her brother in law Lucas. The performance in itself will go well...

Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda

By: Becky Albertalli Location: FIC ALB Genre:  Young Adult- LGBGT Yesterday 50 people died in a violent shooting based on hate, judgement and bigotry. We have no right to act in hate and terror and destroy any life for reasons of opinion.  This blog is written in honor of those 50-  "America's worst shooting slaughter, with 50 dead and 53 wounded victims in hospital, is the perfect political storm that combines the hot-button issues of a highly charged presidential election campaign ā€“ terrorism, gay rights, Muslims in the US and gun control. US President Barack Obama calls the attack that killed 50 people at an Orlando nightclub an "act of terror and hate" and calls for prayers for the victims and their families." Sixteen-year-old and not-so-openly gay Simon Spier prefers to save his drama for the school musical. But when an email falls into the wrong hands, his secret is at risk of being thrust into the spotlight. Now Simon is actually be...

Black Widow- Forever Red

By: Margeret Stohl Location: FIC STO Genre: Marvel comics turn into books!! Series: Black Widow #1 Enter the world of the Avengersā€™ iconic master spyā€¦ What do you expect from the first ever YA novel about a comic-book superhero? That was the question many of us were wondering upon the news that Marvel was branching out into one of the biggest book markets today. Natasha Romanoff is one of the worldā€™s most lethal assassins. Trained from a young age in the arts of death and deception, Natasha was given the title of Black Widow by Ivan Somodorov, her brutal teacher at the Red Room, Moscowā€™s infamous academy for operatives. Ava Orlova is just trying to fit in as an average Brooklyn teenager, but her life has been anything but average.The daughter of a missing Russian quantum physicist, Ava was once subjected to a series of ruthless military experimentsā€”until she was rescued by Black Widow and placed under S.H.I.E.L.D. protection. Ava has always longed to reconnect with her myster...

Pulse Series

By: Patrick Carman Location: FIC CAR Genre: Dystopia Series: Pulse #1 Pulse #2 Tremor #3 Quake "Fans of sci-fi and dystopian alike will enjoying the thrilling ride Carman has created with the Pulse trilogy. A emotionally charge roller coaster ride of super awesomeness"- Brooke A futuristic world where a genius has created children with the power to move objects with their minds, first pulses; and others with the same abilities but who also cannot be physically harmed, second pulses. The genius, as all good ones are, is evil. In an effort to save the world, he has the entire US population now living in one of two cities; the Eastern and Western. Few live in the wasteland that is the bulk of the nation, Faith and Dylan do. They are second pulses, shown the ways of the evil genius, and sworn to end him before his nefarious plans can come to fruition. Wade and Clara are the "children" of the genius, they too are second pulses. Sworn to do their father...

Assassins Creed Movie

These book are hot favorites in our library- I love them - they mix fantasy with history in a way the guys can relate too. These books get our lads reading and for that I am a HUGE fan!!!. This movie is about the Spanish Inquisition and the Assassin and it is going to be massive!!!!!

Anatomy of a Soldier

By: Harry Parker Location: FIC PAR Genre: War- real stuff Anatomy of a Soldier is brilliantly written, it certainly shows rather than tells, and the horror and brutality is there in every detail. Yet it is also a story of hope and new beginnings, of tenacity, determination and stamina. The words are creative and artistic, yet genuine and so very very important.- Anne Captain Tom Barnes is leading British troops in a war zone. Two boys are growing up there, sharing a prized bicycle and flying kites, before finding themselves separated once the soldiers appear in their countryside. On all sides of this conflict, people are about to be caught up in the violence, from the man who trains one boy to fight the infidel invaders to Barnes's family waiting for him to return home. We see them not as they see themselves, but as all the objects surrounding them do: shoes and boots, a helmet, a trove of dollars, a drone, that bike, weaponry, a bag of fertilizer, a medal, a beer glass, a s...

Troll Mountain

By: Matthew Reilly Location: FIC REI Genre: Fantasy- Youth Fiction "..An elixir is not a magic liquid. It is knowledge. Bottles filled with magic liquids eventually run dry, but knowledge lasts a lifetime..." A young hero. Barbaric monsters. An impossible quest. In a remote valley, a tribe of humans is being killed off by a terrible disease. There is a rumor that the trolls of Troll Mountain have a cure for the illness: a miraculous elixir. When Raf's sister gets sick and his tribal leaders refuse to help him, he makes a courageous decision. He sets out on his own for Troll Mountain ... to steal the elixir. Along the way he finds allies in the outcast warrior Ko and the lost Troll Dum. Their quest into Troll Mountain is more than the mission to find the elixir to cure the disease but along the way Raf realizes that all the truths he had once known may have been lies to keep him in his place. The ruling families of the village may have been keeping the truth away...

5 to 1

By: Holly badger Location: FIC BAD Genre: Indian  Feminism Dystopia This is an amazing amazing cover!! Thats two amazings! I am going to India in three weeks- India = curry and vehicular carnage and horns and masses of people and colour and fabrics and street food and auto's and markets and dahl and chai and stuff that makes all your senses all go at once- hard out! ā€œNaniā€™s allegiance is to her anger and anger runs deeper than blood and skin. Itā€™s set in bone and bone, once broken, never heals the same.ā€ In the year 2054, after decades of gender selection, India now has a ratio of five boys for every girl, making women an incredibly valuable commodity. Tired of marrying off their daughters to the highest bidder and determined to finally make marriage fair, the women who form the country of Koyanagar have instituted a series of tests so that every boy has the chance to win a wife. Sudasa doesnā€™t want to be a wife, and Contestant Five, a boy forced to compete in the test ...