
By: Mary Hooper
18341508Location: FIC HOO
Genre: War and Love

As you know I have been working on a display about WWI and with that has come a fair bit of research and reading... and buying of books that coincide. Poppy is one of these books and it is a Mary Hooper book- it is historically accurate and has lovely snippets that allow you to feel the era of the days.
Poppy wants to be someone- but alas her family are the downstairs type and she ends up as a servant in a big house. There she does the unthinkable- she falls in love with someone she shouldn't.. yep the old forbidden love twist is here. Poppy is intelligent, hard working and kind, and  when WWI comes along- so finally does opportunity for woman. Poppy enlists with VAD (Voluntary Aid Detachment) and becomes a nurse in Southampton. I have read a lot about this lately, men with faces blown off, guts ripped out, men dehumanised and unmanned.  Her job is to bring meaning back, hope back and life back to these men.
Poppy will have her sequel (Poppy in the Fields) in May 2015 the 100 year anniversary of Gallipoli and here is hoping that the lose ends of this book- yes the forbidden love bit- will be tied up- I am so sick of death and WWI!


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