Tramping in new Zealand: 40 Great tramping trips

By: Shaun Barnett
Location: NF 796.51 BAR
Genre: The Great Outdoors

I love New Zealand, I love discovering the nooks and crannies that make up our nation. Whether it is the glistening sparkles of Lake Waikaremoana, the wild beaches of the west, the still calm air of the mountains,the gushing tirade of waters spilling out of mossy rock walls or the sock infested smell of a content hut- I am happy to discover these places, and this book will help. It has 40 amazing tramps- many we know about- Waikaremoana, Queen Charlotte, Abel Tasman- but also new ones that are sitting in this book waiting for me to make them come alive. There is nothing like looking at a map and saying to yourself- " I did that"- but looking at the map of hike not yet tramped- its like having a box of chocolates your Mum would not let you eat when you were a kid- want it- cant have it- but I know its going to be good.
The maps and information in this book are great, hmmm school holidays- where shall we go.


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